Sean's Speech
We’ve shed lots of tears already, so I’m only going to share this one memory. This was one of the best days of my life <pointing to picture; see left>!
I am truly blessed to have spent this day with Beth. Imagine how many more weddings she would have been a part of !
I am truly blessed to have spent this day with Beth. Imagine how many more weddings she would have been a part of !
Just a quick question …….
How many of you now have Butterfly tattoos?
I want to thank……….You!
All of you
I’m not going to try to name all the people in fear of leaving people out, I’m not sure where to begin, so here we go. Very early on in this mission, someone said “what can we do?”
That question right there……
What can we do?
Started a tidal wave, an avalanche and a firestorm all in one
What can we do?
Let me tell you what you did:
The petition reached 5000 signatures in two weeks, and keeps growing
The letter writing campaign: imagine the stacks of letters in those offices…thousands!
We have over 2000 followers on Facebook
We’ve seen some posts get more than 6000 views
The Twitter avalanche….gets results ! One tweet alone, viewed by 10,000
We’ve been on 2 radio shows
Two appearances on Fox
One on NECN
One on CBS
One on WGBH
One on CNN
We were invited to the State House for a press conference !
What’s a guy like me doing at the state house?
Numerous stories and letters in every local newspaper almost every day this year
Our message has reached 49 states,
What’s up with N. Dakota? No internet?
and 15 countries at last count. U.S., S. Africa, U.K., India, Australia, Belguim, Canada, Germany, Haiti, Ireland, Israel, Romania, United Arab Emirates, Zimbabwe and Brazil
3 U.S. Miltary bases….Afghanistan, Iraq and Japan
I have one question for a few people
How many of you now have Butterfly tattoos?
I want to thank……….You!
All of you
I’m not going to try to name all the people in fear of leaving people out, I’m not sure where to begin, so here we go. Very early on in this mission, someone said “what can we do?”
That question right there……
What can we do?
Started a tidal wave, an avalanche and a firestorm all in one
What can we do?
Let me tell you what you did:
The petition reached 5000 signatures in two weeks, and keeps growing
The letter writing campaign: imagine the stacks of letters in those offices…thousands!
We have over 2000 followers on Facebook
We’ve seen some posts get more than 6000 views
The Twitter avalanche….gets results ! One tweet alone, viewed by 10,000
We’ve been on 2 radio shows
Two appearances on Fox
One on NECN
One on CBS
One on WGBH
One on CNN
We were invited to the State House for a press conference !
What’s a guy like me doing at the state house?
Numerous stories and letters in every local newspaper almost every day this year
Our message has reached 49 states,
What’s up with N. Dakota? No internet?
and 15 countries at last count. U.S., S. Africa, U.K., India, Australia, Belguim, Canada, Germany, Haiti, Ireland, Israel, Romania, United Arab Emirates, Zimbabwe and Brazil
3 U.S. Miltary bases….Afghanistan, Iraq and Japan
I have one question for a few people
Deval Patrick; CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?
Massachusetts Parole Board: CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?
Supreme Court: CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?