Dawn's Speech
The support we have received from all of you over the past four weeks has been overwhelming.
I want to start by thanking four very special ladies. Without these four, none of this would be possible. They do not want to be acknowledged but too bad. There are not enough words to express how I feel about what you have accomplished in such a short time. Thank you, Miranda Godzyk, Danielle Avery, Sabrina Condon and Liz Moran.
Beth and I were 20 months apart. We did everything together. We spent summers by the pool, playing rummy, making up dance routines, inviting the neighbors over to watch our plays, and gymnastics in the front yard. When we were in high school we were on the same cheering squad. We spent a lot of time together then teaching each other dance routines and cheers; working on our one man extensions with the guys on the squad.
Beth was smart. She enjoyed school. She loved to learn. Beth had a big heart. She was friends with everyone.
Beth was my best friend. She was the one person I confided in every day. She never judged me or made me feel bad about myself. Beth was my biggest supporter. She wanted to be a lawyer when she grew up. I wanted to be Madonna’s backup singer/dancer and she never laughed at my dream. She only encouraged me.
I miss her. I miss not being able to share life experiences with her. I miss her voice.
We are her voice now. We are fighting for Beth and the other victims affected by the SJC’s ruling.
I want to start by thanking four very special ladies. Without these four, none of this would be possible. They do not want to be acknowledged but too bad. There are not enough words to express how I feel about what you have accomplished in such a short time. Thank you, Miranda Godzyk, Danielle Avery, Sabrina Condon and Liz Moran.
Beth and I were 20 months apart. We did everything together. We spent summers by the pool, playing rummy, making up dance routines, inviting the neighbors over to watch our plays, and gymnastics in the front yard. When we were in high school we were on the same cheering squad. We spent a lot of time together then teaching each other dance routines and cheers; working on our one man extensions with the guys on the squad.
Beth was smart. She enjoyed school. She loved to learn. Beth had a big heart. She was friends with everyone.
Beth was my best friend. She was the one person I confided in every day. She never judged me or made me feel bad about myself. Beth was my biggest supporter. She wanted to be a lawyer when she grew up. I wanted to be Madonna’s backup singer/dancer and she never laughed at my dream. She only encouraged me.
I miss her. I miss not being able to share life experiences with her. I miss her voice.
We are her voice now. We are fighting for Beth and the other victims affected by the SJC’s ruling.